Did you know….?
1. Ontario Power Generation (OPG) did NOT look anywhere else than HERE in Kincardine to bury this nuclear waste. They even state it in their report.
Pg 2 – “OPG did not actively solicit other potential sites for the DGR Project because Kincardine has suitable geology and is a willing host municipality”
2. Kincardine has received lump sum payments for “agreeing” to host the DGR…. before the community was asked. Pg. 6
3. OPG plans to bring lots of waste up here – this is not just for the waste presently on site – “only waste from OPG-owned or operated nuclear generation stations in Ontario will be accepted in the DGR”
“The DGR would be designed to safely manage….waste from OPG-owned plants Bruce, Pickering & Darlington.” Pg 1 (Pickering & Darlington are decommissioned in the next 5 years…..)
4. the geology is wrong – we are on shale & limestone – sedimentary, unstable
5. The Municipality of Kincardine (the corporation) signed an agreement with OPG in October 2004 without community knowledge or consent. Look at page 2 – it says the Mayor & the CAO can sign on behalf of ALL OF US, anything with Ontario Power Generation.
Go to the end…. look at the payments Kincardine et al. has received…..
6. OPG agreement states Kincardine must make sure this DGR thing happens…. this is “if Kincardine fails to meet a milestone we pull the money” clause….