Sign the Petition!
Support Councillor Lisa Robinson– she’s speaking for ALL OF US!!
Please spread the word – we are Taking Back Our Towns!
We have a Duty!
Your Mayor & Councillors are neutered in the UN Global Government System…
POGG the United Nations PPP Fraud!
On October 23, Pickering City Council voted unanimously to freeze Councillor Lisa Robinson’s pay. Why? Because she did her duty as a councillor by proposing the following 3 motions on behalf of her
Source: Defend Councillor Lisa Robinson from Pickering City Council | CitizenGO
Petition (for redress of grievances?)
I live in the States so likely have no standing with the Pickering city council.
However, I am an ambassador for Messiah and fully authorized to speak into the spirit-realm before His Majesty King Yahshua. (Not His subordinate Charles III)
And so, I will be making imprecatory prayers that these reprobate public officials will be wise enough to repent of their wickednesses. That is the sincere desire of my heart. But if they will not repent, I will be praying that The Most High removes them from office, and removes their pensions, unemployment benefits however that is done in Canada, and that He makes sure there are angels dispatched to prevent any of them from being hired in any kind of public service again. And, that includes any quasi-public/private contrivance entities as well.
Will also be speaking before His Throne for Lisa to be upheld, uplifted and surrounded with His Supernatural Hedge of Protection from whatever these ghouls may design against her. In the Name that is above every name, as per Philippians 2:8-10, so be it.
thank you… many blessings <3
Thank you for standing up for us, Lisa!! You are a “WINNER”!!
Thanks ever so much – it was an honour to meet Councillor Lisa Robinson & I’ll go to any lengths to help her.
She could be pivotal in the transition. Great freedom fighters in the Pickering/Uxbridge/Port Perry area too!
Thanks again for caring about our country, blessings, shelagh