“By combining Cal Washington’s 3-step approach to obtaining tacit agreement with Shelagh McFarlane’s method for putting Mayors back into their true and lawful positions as public trustees, Canada has the template to end the United Nations’ economic and political tyranny over individuals, their property, their town and their country.” —Hugh Reilly, thatchannel.tv
We are uniting with a special mission to put our communities back in power. The UN Global Agenda is a declaration of war on every Canadian. There is now concrete evidence that our local, provincial, and federal “governments” are involved in the following Crimes Against Humanity:
By Shelagh McFarlane and Cal Washington
DRUTHERS Newspaper
View and download the complete article here.
See DRUTHERS’ Source link for the complete article and more:
Call Out to Canadians to Lead the Peaceful Exit from The United Nations (UN) Agenda – Druthers
How can I help call out our mayor in Kitchener?
Have you read the POGG Restoration Solution? Canada is re-oathing (or replacing) de facto Mayors. Get organized in Kitchener & the Notice templates will result in a default judgment – fraud vitiates all. Thank you for caring about Canada – shelagh
Where do I find the Notice templates?