LEGALESE in Banking: The ALL CAPS (legal name)
The ALL CAPS is a publicly-registered security (bond), created from your birth registration, and in Canada,
“All Things Registered” belong to the Crown (Corporation).
Cole’s Notes:
(a) The ALL CAPS security is the estimated value of your entire life (your labour, taxes paid), determined at your birth using actuarial life-expectancy tables (my father was an actuary),
(b) This security is a type of stored “virtual money” (credit),
(c) the ALL CAPS is identifying a type of public credit card with your value (to the Crown) loaded on it.
The ALL CAPS is NOT personal identification,
should NOT be used AS personal identification (eg. to VOTE!!!),
& it doesn’t belong to you… (until you claim it)
Ledger Bait & Switch at the Bank: from Creditor to Debtor:
You present evidence of the security (Crown ID) to the bank for a “loan”:
1. If your bank deposits the security into a general account, you become a debtor.
(you’re borrowing from a security “owned” by the Crown)
2. If they deposit it in a securities account, you are the creditor.
(you’re accessing your credit held in the public trust by the Crown)
What? Why??
1. The bank has no money of its own & can’t loan out deposits.
2. They are only there as an intermediary transmitting utility… for registered securities.
3. You didn’t tell the bank what to do…

Shelagh, how do you suppose one claims the All Caps Name?
VERY simplified…
1. the ALL CAPS is a public (Crown registered) security, created in deceit. i.e., Crown failed to disclose the intent of the trust = human trafficking, to pay off Crown debt.
2. Nondisclosure of a material fact is Fraud.
3. Fraud vitiates the breeding document (registration of baby), which means no owner (legal title) on the security, to which you have a beneficial interest.
4. Express this to your “Mayor”… they are a/the/your designated public (Crown) Trustee for the ALL CAPS.
The POGG: Emergency Restoration Protocol (to be released soon) will have a suggested Notice to “express your SELF” to your Mayor, but lawyers know all about fraud & breach of trust… go ask one how THEY would collapse a trust created in fraud.