Therefore, every trust is a
legal trust in Legal Land." 🤥Pogg Twist
Clearfield Doctrine = Municipality Checkmate:
1. trustees can't be incorporated (Acts 10:34), and,
2. they can't co-mingle public/private jurisdictions (Matthew: 6:24)
Get informed, get prepared... God's Back ❤POGG TwistAsk the Officer if he wants your LEGAL name or your LAWFUL name.
He isn't trained to know the difference - you should.
If he says LEGAL, tell him you don't own the legal name, it's owned by the crown. Claiming to be the NAME on govt ID is therefore fraud.
If he says LAWFUL, ask him how you've breached the peace or where is the injured party claiming harm?
No harm, no crime.
Keep it SimpleImportant: POGG Twist
They are guardians & protectors of the meek.
The Bible tells us so:
(a) The "Office of the Mayor" is a charitable trust (public charity),
(b) "Municipalities" are registered service corporations (private greed),
(c) Charity is a "virtue", greed is a "SIN", and
(d) No one can serve 2 Masters. (Matthew 6:24)
"For the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace." (Psalms 37:11)
POGG the "Municipalities are Government" FRAUD.Pogg Twist
(BIRD = Best in Ruling District/Domain)
"Municipal Government" is an oxymoron... Ask a banker...
"Municipal" is INC (commercial District),
"Government" is UNINC (sovereign Domain).
A CAO brings municipal "Code"...
A Mayor ensures your local "Constitution".
I got no reason to lie...Pogg Twist
Legally, you're deemed a foreigner in your own country...
how's that for crazy talk?! 🤡🤡🤡
Fix the Oath - End the Fraud - Start the Party...